I've added a new section to my site.
It's called
Useful Stuff, and I hope
the technical information you find therein is, indeed, useful to you.
It will have information about Advanced Vim, Git, Linux, Mac OS X, and more.
posted at: 11:11 |
path: /misc |
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It's been annoying me that the subdirectories in MoonpebbleCMS weren't easy to spot
when intermingled with other, non-MoonpebbleCMS subdirectories in a site. So, I've
updated MoonpebbleCMS such that the MoonpebbleCMS-specific subdirectories have
a mpebble_ prefix. Changes are
in the repo on Github.
posted at: 11:11 |
path: /misc |
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Hey! Look at that... I changed the layout of my entire site, including this
blog. Enjoy!
posted at: 11:11 |
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Those of you who like RSS feeds may have noticed that the feed for this blog
has been broken since my site redesign. I'm glad to say that it's now
working properly. There's a link at the end of each
story, and the URL is:
http://briantanaka.com/blog/index.rss. Enjoy!
posted at: 11:11 |
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For various reasons, I've redesigned my site. By "redesign" I don't just mean how it looks. The fundamental underpinnings of the
site -- how it works -- are totally different now. In future posts, I'll describe what changes I made, how, and why.
posted at: 11:11 |
path: /misc |
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